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МВЦ Крокус Экспо International Exhibition Center "Krokus Expo"
«Krokus Expo» - is a part of a huge complex Krokus City, was engineered and built according to the highest international standards. Since 2008 it is a member of the International Congress-centers Association and its main purpose is holding of large different profiles international exhibitions with participation of Russian and foreign compaigns.
Address: Moscow ring road (MKAD), 65-66th km
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Stella art foundation Stella art foundation
Stella art foundation – is a non-commercial organization, that was founded in 2003 by Stella Kesaeva. The fund`s purposes – cultural exchange, support of Russian art and young painters. At the moment the fund is going to establish a Modern Art Museum in Moscow.
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Гараж Garage
Center of modern culture “Garage” - is a new exhibition space of the modern culture. Russian and foreign art. More over, there are also cinema, club, booking shop and cafe here.
Address: 9, Krymskii Wall st.
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Домик Чехова Chekhov`s little house
Building of the 19th century, that was slightly reconstructed. The great writer and dramatist A. Chekhov lived here for 2,5 years after Sakhalin.
Address: 29, Malaya Dmitrovka st.
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Московская государственная картинная галерея народного художника СССР А. Шилова Shilov Art Museum
It will be very interesting here for those people, who would like to see realistic, but at the same time modern art. There are no courageous actions and bright performances in this museum, but you will find a large gallery of famous and infamous people portraits. There are also landscapes and still lives in the exposition. The collection includes more than 900 works of painters.
Address: 5, Znamenka st.
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Новый Манеж New Manege
Since 1996 after reconstruction the building is opened as an exhibition hall. Now different exhibitions are hold here, replacing expositions. The building itself, built in the 19th century in pseudo-Russian style attracts attention. It`s exhibition space is opened for events of great public interest. One of them is the Wild nature animals photo exhibition, hold in a framework of festival “Golden torture”
Address: 3-3, George side street
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Center of art industries “Project FAБRIKA”
Workshops and studios of different art industries, from design and architecture up to theatre, cinema, animated cartoon and music.
Address: 18, Perevedenovskii side street
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Фонд культуры Екатерины Catherin`s Culture House
Fund`s work is divided on several directions – exhibition and publishing, making collection of modern art, support of social and educational projects.
Address: 21/5 Kuznetsky Bridge
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Artplay на Яузе Artplay on Yauza
Design center Artplay has become an event in Moscow cultural life. This was one of the first Russian experiments on reconstruction of the old manufacture into offices, forethought in the and of 1990s, and opened for tenants in 2003. Unique for Moscow specialized business and trade center Artplay got in its walls together: architects, designers, planners, furniture, light, building materials and special equipment suppliers.
Address: 10, N. Syromyatnicheskaya st.
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Аукционный дом Гелос Auction House Gelos
Antique-auction House Gelos was established in 1988, it has license №1 —license for realization of estimated activity. The largest in Russia and CIS auction house, that offers full range of service on Russian antique market.
Address: 2/6, 1st Botkinsky passage
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Винзавод Vinzavod
Opened in 2007, the modern art center surprised by everything, starting from an unusual title, succeeded from the wine plant, that used to be here, up to the works, exhibited here. Now Vinzavod successfully flew into Moscow cultural life, giving the opportunity to get know interesting and actual modern art phenomena.
Address: 1-6, 4th Syromyatnichesky side st.
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Галерея Алла и Александр Gallery Alla and Alexandr
Specialization of this newly created gallery – Russian modern art. It presents an amazing collection of works by talented Russian artists: painting, graphics, monuments.
Address: 5, Taras Shevchenko quay
Государственная галерея На Солянке Solyanka VPA
This place is not just an exhibition space. The gallery has much more greater purposes: to give guests opportunity to get know the best samples of screen culture, to make own fund of video-materials, help young artists.
Address: 1/2-2б Solyanka st.
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Государственный выставочный зал Галерея «Измайлово Gallery Izmailovo
Different exhibitions of painting, graphics and sculptures of modern artists are hold there. In exhibition halls you can see as the works of famous artists, as well as young. There are also excursions.
Address: 4, Izmailovsky passage
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Коворкинг «Рабочая станция» Co-working “Work station”
On “Work station” there are rooms and technical opportunities for 24 hour work, meetings and negotiations in a house with high ceiling and panoramic view on Neskuchny Sad
Address: 30A, Leninsky avenue
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Красный октябрь Red October
After reconstruction the building of the former confectionery factory was empty for a long time. But on the initiative of painter Vladimir Dubosarsky in 2004 there was established a cultural center ARTStrelka, existed up to 2009.
Address: 6, Bersenevskaya quay
Культурно-образовательный центр «школа Л.Н. Толстого» в доме на Пятницкой, 12 L. Tolstoy School
The house on 12, Pyatnitskaya st. - architecture monument of the end of the 18th century. L.Tolstoy rented this house after coming back from the Krym War.
Address: 12, Pyatnitskaya st.
Gallery M`ARS – modern art gallery was created on 21. July 1988. The gallery is situated in Pushkarev side street, where depositories, shop-salon and media center are located.
Address: 5, Pushkarev side street
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Манеж Manege
Manege is a unique architecture monument in Moscow city center. This central exhibition hall, except being a property, it is also a modern cultural and business center.
Address: 1, Manezhnaya square
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Мастерская-галерея Анна и Юрий Мираков Workshop-gallery Anna and Yury Mirakov
This is a private gallery in Moscow city center, it was opened in January 1999 by Yury Mirakov, member of Russian and Gr. Britain Artistic Union of painters.
Address: 12-2, 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya
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Международная галерея Эритаж International gallery Eritage
International art-gallery has been taking part and holding exhibition projects for 6 years, presenting different directions of modern art and demonstrating main world tendencies.
Address: 3, Milyutinsky side street
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Московская государственная школа акварели Сергея Андрияки с музейно-выставочным комплексом Sergey Andriyaki aquarel school
The name of Sergey Andriyaki is well-known in Russia. Thanks to several lessons, shown on TV, people could know how painter works, how his works come into life. You can get known works of Andriyaki, of his students, as well as works of other painters in this gallery.
Address: 15, Varga Academician st.
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Мультимедиа-арт-музей Multimedia art-museum
Moscow Photo House, opened in 1996 is one and the only in Moscow.
Address: 16, Ostozhenka st.
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Открытая галерея Open gallery
Open gallery is one of galleries, that deal with modern art. The gallery appeared in 2009, and chose a special strategy, different from the other Moscow galleries`.
22-2, Trubnikovsky side street
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Творческая усадьба «Freelabs» Freelabs
Artistic country estate positions itself as a free art-space in the building of the historical house of the 19th century in Moscow city center. It exists according to its own laws and has an original conception.
Address: 12, Pokrovka st.
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