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Большой театр Bolshoi Theatre
On the 28. of October a great gala concert started the new period in life of the oldest and ever young Bolshoi Theatre. After a long reconstruction, that had been lasted for 6 years, the most famous Russian scene was opened.
Address: 1, Theatre square
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Russian Youth Theatre is situated in an ancient building by architect O. Bove in Moscow city center, on the Theatre square.
Address: 2, Theatre square
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Государственный Театр Кинотеатра Film Actor`s Theatre
Film Actor`s Theatre is the first steady film actors unity in the world. The theatre history is a special chapter as in the chronicle of Russian cinema, as well as in the history of Russian theatre.
Address: 33, Povarskaya st.
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МХТ им. А.П. Чехова Chekhov Art Theatre
Moscow Art Theatre was established by K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirivich-Danchenko. The opening of the theatre took place on 14. October 1898 with the play “Tsar Fedor Ioannovich” by A. Tolstoi in the Hermitage Theatre building (3, Karetny Ryad st.). Since 1902 the theatre is situated in Kamergersky side street, in building of the former Lianozov Theatre, reconstructed in the same year by F. Shechtel.
Address: 3, Kamergersky side street
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Россия Russia
Theatre Russia, situated in Moscow city center on Pushkinskaya square, is one of the most important objects of the Theatre quarter – this is not only an architect monument, but also the most spacious Moscow theatre. The building was built in 1961.
Address: 2, Pushkin square
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Театральный центр «На Страстном» Theatre centre On Strastnoi
This is a non-commercial space, open for producer projects of different art schools and independent theatre groups.
Address: 8a, Strastnoi Boulevard
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МХАТ им. М. Горького Gor`ky Art Theatre
Moscow Art Theatre was established by K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Danchenko. The opening of the theatre took place on 14. October 1898.
Address: 22, Tverskoi Boulevard
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Малый театр Malyi Theatre
14. October 1898 is considered to be the establishment day of Malyi Theatre, when merchant`s Vargin house was reconstructed by architect Bove and there started to work a drama company of the former Peter`s Teahtre, part of Empire Theatres System
Address: 1-1, Theatre passage
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Кремлевский балет The Kremlin Ballet
The Kremlin Ballet - theatre is situated  on the territory of the State Kremlin Palace. It was established in 1990
Address: 1, Vozdvizhenka st.
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Современник Sovremennik
Moskow theatre Sovremennik was founded by a group of young actors in 1956. In the post-war history of the country, in the years of exposure of Stalin`s person`s cult, it became the first theatre, born by a free actors unity, who could save themselves as an integral art company.
Address: 19, Chistoprudny Boulevard
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Ленком Lenkom
In 1927under the patronage of Komsomol organisation there was opened Working Youth Theatre. 20. February 1938 the theatre was re-named as the Theatre of Leninsky Komsomol, which is titled Lenkom from 1990
Address: 6, M. Dmitrovka
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Театр им. Евг. Вахтангова Vakhtangov Theatre
Vakhtangov Theatre is situated in the middle of the Old Arbat, in a building, decorated with colons, that is known for several generations of Moscow citizens. Numerous Arbat side streets save memory about many coryphaeus of the famous theatre. Saved in monuments and on memorial desks, they make special atmosphere for this corner of the old Moscow.
Address: 26, Arbat
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Театр имени В. Маяковского Mayakovsky Theatre
Mayakovsky theatre is one of the oldest and the most famous Moscow and Russian theatre companies. Such world famous artists as Sarah Bernhardt, Eleonora Duse, Ernst von Possart played on this scene. Since 1922 the theatre was reformed to the Revollution theatre, whose director was V. Meyerhold.
Address: 19, B. Nikitskaya
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Театр Сатиры Satire Theatre
Satire Theatre was established in 1924. During the first years theatre`s repertoire consisted mainly of not the plays as they are, but of political, everyday life and mock observations: “Moscow from the point of view”, “Solitude”, “Women nationalization”, “Essential paper”, “Calm, I`m making photo”, “Seven years without reciprocity”, “Europe, the best there is”, “A stranger`s head”, “Current affairs”, “Mishka, turn round!”
Address: 2-1, Triumphal square
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Геликон-Опера Gelikon – Opera
This is a musical theatre, founded in 1990. The founder and artistic director of the theatre is Dmitry Bertman
Address, 11-2, New Arbat st.
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Московская оперетта Moscow Operetta
Moscow Operetta Theatre was opened in1922 in a small building of Dmitrovsky Theatre.
Address: 6, B. Dmitrovka st.
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Театр наций Nations Theatre
Established in 1987 as the Theatre of National Friendship, from 1991 this theatre is called Nations Theatre. Since 2006 the artistic director of the theatre is Eugene Mironov, nationl artist of RF, laureate of the state prize.
Address: 3, Petrovsky side street
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Сатирикон Satirikon
Konstantin Raykin is the artistic director of the theatre. He is producer, national artist of RF, laureate of RF state prizes, four times laureate of national theatre prize “Golden Mask”, School-studio MHAT professor.
Address: 8, Sheremetevskaya st.
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Театр на Таганке Theatre on Taganka
The theatre was established on 23. April 1964, based on the company of Moscow Drama and Comedy Theatre. There were graduates of Tschukin Theatre College (Yu. Lyubimov course).
Address: 26/71, Earth Wall
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Театр Эстрады Variety Theatre
Variety Theatre was open in Juny 1954. The new theatre was given a building on Mayakovsky square (now Sitire Theatre)
Address: 20/2 Bersenevskaya quay
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Театр российской армии Russian Army Theatre
The theatre was established in 1929 from propaganda teams of the Red Army Central House. The first premiere took place in 1930, it was “KVGD” play according to materials of far-east events of 1929.
Address: 2, Suvorov square
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Ромэн Romen
Moscow Music-Drama Gypsi theatre Romen – is the only Gipsy theatre in the world, and one of the oldest Moscow theatres.  For more than 30 years Nikolai Slichenko is being artistic director of the theatre. He is talented actor and singer, national artist of the USSR, laureat of the USSR state prize, professor, Academician of the International Theatre Academy.
Address: 32/2, Leningradsky avenue
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Московский драматический театр имени К. С. Станиславского Stanislavsky Theatre
On 16. March 1935 the Soviet government made a decision about establishment of the State Stanislavsky Opera-Drama Studio
Address: 23, Tverskaya st
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Театр имени А. С. Пушкина Pushkin Theatre
Moscow Chamber Theatre, whose founders are Alexandr Tairov and his wife Alise Koonen, was open on 12. December 1914. In May 1949 Tairov was dismissed and left the theatre together with has wife. The theatre itself was closed. On its place in 1950 the new Pushkin Theatre was open.
Address: 23, Tverskoi Boulevard
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Театр имени М. Н. Ермоловой Ermolova Theatre
Ermolova Drama Theatre is situated in an ancient building, in the front base of which is one of the largest houses on Tverskaya street, that was built in 1830s.
Address: 5/6 Tverskaya st.
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Театр-студия под руководством Олега Табакова Oleg Tabakov`s Theatre - Studio
In 1978a dull lamp over the entrance to elite living house cellar started to illuminate the way of spectators to an ascetic and it would seem anti-theatre space, that was found by Oleg Tabakov and decorated by David Borovsky at the turn of the decade.
Address: 1a, Thcaplygina st.
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Музыкальный театр им. К. С. Станиславского и В. И. Немировича-Данченко Stanislavsky and Nimerovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre
The theatre was established in 1941, when two opera groups were united. The theatre became a laboratory on creating new operas and ballets.
Adress: 17, B. Dmitrovka st.
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Театр имени Моссовета Mossoviet Theatre
One of the oldest Moscow theatres is established in 1923 by literary man and producer S. Prokofiev as the Theatre of Moscow Professional Unities. From 1925 to 1940 the theatre was directed by a famous actor and producer E. Lyubimov-Lanskoi
Address: 16, B. Sadovaya st.
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Театр Содружество актеров Таганки Actors Taganka Community
The theatre was established in April 1993. The base of the theatre were 36 actors and some workers of the Theatre on Taganka.
Address: 76/21 Earth Wall st.
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Мастерская Петра Фоменко Peter Fomenko Studio
The theatre was established in July 1993. But the “fomenki” themselves (as jounalists all over the world call them) count their biography from 1988.
Address: 30/32 Kutuzovsky avenue
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Московский Театр Луны Moon Theatre
The history of the Moon Theatre starts from 1992 from the concert play “Unique voice”. Very soon this play became center of attraction for the theatre public.
Address: 31, Ordynka st.
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Театр под руководством Армена Джигарханяна Armen Dgigarkhanyan Theatre
The theatre is established on 12. March 1996. At first time the theatre was situated in a cramped building on Cooperative st., but in 2002 the theatre run over into a spacious building on Lomonosovsky avenue.
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Театр Антона Чехова Anton Chekhov  Theatre
Anton Chekhov Theatre, established in 1989 by Leonid Trushkin and Eugene Rogov became the first private entreprise. The theatre has been working without state subsidies. The scene is situated in Variety Theatre
Address: 20-2б Bersenevskaya quay
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Московский театр музыки и драмы под руководством Стаса Намина Stas Namin`s Theatre
Music and Drama Theatre was established by Stas Namin in 1999 as an absolutely new theatre project. Namin decided to create Russian version of legendary musical “Hairs”
Address: 9-3б Krymsky Wall st.
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Театр на Покровке Theatre on Pokrovka
The theatre directed by Serge Artsibashev was established in September 1991.
Address: 50/2-1, Pokrovka st.
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Театр Новая опера Theatre New Opera
The theatre was established in 1991 on initiative of the artistic director Eugene Kolobov. Art credo of the theatre can be determined as enthusiastic creative quest and bold innovation.
Address: 3-2, Karetny Ryad st.
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Театр Романа Виктюка Roman Viktyuk`s Theatre
The name of the theatre first turned in 1991. Though this theatre existed all the time in the dreams of a young boy, who played his first roles in Lyvov Theatre of young spectator.
Address: 6, Stromynka st.
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Московский театральный центр Вишневый сад под руководством Александра Вилькина Theatre Centre Cherry Garden
The Theatre Centre Cherry Garden, directed by Alexandr Vil`kin was established in 1995.
Address: 35, Old Arbat st.
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Московский драматический театр на Малой Бронной Moscow Drama Theatre on M. Bronnaya
In 1945 a new artistic company appeared on Moscow theatre map. The theatre was headed by Serge Maiorov. The base of the new theatre company consisted of actors from different Moscow theatres and several graduates of Tschepkin Theatre College.
Address: 4-2, M. Bronnaya st.
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Театр кошек Юрия Куклачева Cats` Theatre by Yury Kuklachev
Yury Kuklachev – national artist of the RSFSR, has been the first in in the Soviet Union to start circus work with cats. In 1990 he established his own Cats`s Theatre on Kutuzov avenue
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