пред. след. стартстоп


Государственный Русский музей Russian Museum in St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, 4 Ingenernaya St.
The largest museum of Russian art in the world, created in 1895 by order of the Emperor Nicolas II in memory of his father – Alexandr III.  At present time there are about 400 000 exhibits in the depository of the Russian Museum. The core of the collection are Departments of Russian and Soviet painting, graphics and sculptures.
Tel. +7 (812) 595 42 48   (information),  +7 (812) 314 83 68   (voice mail), sait http://rusmuseum.ru 
Мариинский дворец Mariinsky Palace in St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, 6 Isaaс`s Square
Mariinsky Palace – architecture monument of late classicism, situated on the Isaac`s Square. Constructed in the 19th century by the project of A. Stakenschneider for Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna. The front of the Palace is ornate with different architecture details: colonnades, stucco, relief clutches. Tel. +7 (812) 319 94 18  (excursions).
Государственный Эрмитаж The Hermitage
St. Petersburg, 34 Palace Quay
The largest in Russia and one of the most largest artistic-historical museums in the world. Established by the Empress Catherine II in 1764. In the collection of the Hermitage there are 3 million pieces of arts of different periods and nations. Tel. +7 (812) 710 90 79 , sait http://www.hermitagemuseum.org
Петергоф (Петродворец), Фонтаны Petergof (Petropalace)
Situated in 30 km far from the center of St. Petersburg, Petropalace is one of the most elegant and famous Palace and Park ensembles. It can be called the main decoration of St. Petersburg “pearl necklace”, as suburbs of the Northern capital for their unique splendor are called. Tel. (812) 324 99 62 , sait www.gov.spb.ru
Зимний дворец Петра I Peter`s I Winter Palace
St. Petersburg, 32 Palace Quay
Emperor`s residention, built at the beginning of the 18th century on Neva bank. Small sized Peter`s I Winter Palace is remarkable for its rich decoration. Later on its base the Heritage Theatre was founded, the Palace itself was partly destructed, partly buried in cellars of the new building. Tel. +7 (812) 571 84 46
Медный всадник Bronze Horseman
The monument to the Emperor-reformer and St. Petersburg founder Peter I. Raised by the Catherine II in 1770, that is signed on the monument. This way the Empress wanted to emphasize succession of her politics with respect to the great ancestor. The name “Bronze Horseman” is nominal, it`s been taken from the A.S. Pushkin`s poem.
Инженерный замок Engineer Castle (Mikhailovsky Castle)
St. Petersburg, 2 Sadovaya St.
Emperor palace, built by Paul I in 1801. The Name of Mikhailovsky (now Engineer) Castle comes from the palace church of St. Michael, and then from the Main Engineer college, situated here before. The building is constructed according to the principles of palace architecture: the palace has square shape, inner court, earlier it was circled by ditches with a drawbridge. Tel. +7 (812) 570 51 12
Петропавловская крепость Peter and Paul Fortress
St. Petersburg, 3 Petropavlovskaya fortress
The fortress, officially called St. Petersburg Fortress, was founded in 1701 on the Hare Island and was meant to save the city from invasion from the sea. The fortress has 6 bastions, connected by earth mounds, faced with stones. Idea centers of the construction are the Peter and Paul Cathedral and Naryshkin bastion, on which traditionally a gun fires at noon every day. Tel.  +7 (812) 230 64 31; +7 (812) 230 03 29
Исаакиевский собор St. Isaac`s Cathedral
St. Petersburg, 4 Isaac`s square
This is the largest Orthodox cathedral in St. Petersburg, consecrated in honor of Saint Isaac Dalmatsky. Construction of the modern St. Isaac`s Cathedral building took 40 years and finished in 1858. Cathedral`s square is 4 000 m², height – more than 100m. This is a wonderful classicism sample, all sides are decorated with porticoes and pillars. Tel. +7 (812) 315 97 32
Site : http://www.cathedral.ru
Свято-Троицкая Александро-Невская Лавра в Санкт-Петербурге Alexandr Nevsky Lavra
St. Petersburg, 1 Monastyrka River quay
Orthodox monastery, consecrated in honor of the Holy Trinity, but it is widely known after its main relic – relics of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky. Alexander Nevsky Lavra founded in the 18th century by Peter I. According to the old tradition it was founded oh the place, where prince's troops achieved victory over Sweden. Tel. +7 (812) 274 17 02
Sait : http://www.lavra.spb.ru
Казанский собор в Санкт-Петербурге Kazan Cathedral, St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, 25 Nevsky avenue
Kazan Cathedral – acting Orthodox cathedral, built in 1801-1811. Constructed after A.N. Voronikhin project in Empire style. The main peculiarity of the cathedral is tremendous colonnade, consisted from 96 colons, that decorate its northern side. Tel. +7 (812) 314 46 63
Site: http://kazansky-spb.ru
Смольный собор в Санкт-Петербурге Smolny Cathedral
St. Petersburg, 3/1 Rastrelly St.
The main Cathedral of the former Novodevichy Convent. Built in the end of the 18th century by the great architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelly. Smolny Cathedral is built in Barocco style, but according to the Orthodox canons it is five-domed. Tel. +7 (812) 710 31 59
Летний сад в Санкт-Петербурге Summer Garden
St. Petersburg, 2 Kutuzov quay
Big city park, the monument of landscape architecture. Summer garden is founded in 1704 by Peter`s I order, for a long time it was open only for rich public, now it is available for everybody. Park has regular planning with emphasized avenue system. There are ancient fountains there, as well as sculptures and busts. You can reach Summer Garden by bus: №№ 46, 49, К46, К76, К100, К212.
Храм Воскресения Христова (Храм Спаса на Крови) в Санкт-Петербурге Church of the Savior on Blood
St. Petersburg, 2b, lit А Griboedov quay
Orthodox church, consecrated in honor of holiday of resurrection of Christ, built in 1907. The curch was built on the place of murderous attempt at the Emperor Alexander II, who died from injuries. As a result the church took the name of the Savior on Blood, that is now wide known. It is built in an unusual for St. Petersburg “Russian style”. Tel. +7 (812) 315 16 36
Крейсер Аврора Cruiser Aurora
St. Petersburg, Peter`s quay
One of the most famous symbols St. Petersburg`s – cruiser Aurora is located on the Peter`s quay
Tel. +7 (812) 230-8440

Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) Kunstkamera
St. Petersburg, 3 University quay
Museum of anthropology and ethnographic in the name of Peter I (Kunstkamera) is situated on Neva quay in the historical center of St. Petersburg. This museum was founded by Peter`s I order. Tel.
+7 (812) 328-0712

Музей истории пивоварения Museum of brewing history
St. Petersburg, 9 Stepana Razina St.
This museum was open in St. Petersburg in 1995, when the first brewing factory  “Stepan Razin” celebrated its 200th anniversary. Tel. +7 (812) 331-12-12

Музей-квартира А.С.Пушкина Pushkin`s museum-apartment
St. Petersburg, 12 Moika quay
The oldest Pushkin museum in Russia springs from 1879. The richest collection of the museum has been created for many decades. Tel. +7 (812) 570-6511

Центральный военно-морской музей Central naval museum.
St. Petersburg, 4 Birzhevaya St.
Central naval museum is one of the oldest museums in Russian, and one of the largest naval museums in the world. Tel. +7 (812) 328-2502

Юсуповский дворец на Мойке Moika Palace
St. Petersburg, 94 Moika River quay
Moika Palace is an architecture monument of the 18-20th cent. The palace was presumably build in 1770s. Tel. +7 (812) 314-98-83, 332-19-91