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автобус Bus
Bus – the main transportation in Moscow. It is under the charge of GUP Mosgortrans. Despite the fact that buses appeared in Moscow in 1924, they became popular only in 1950-1960s. Today there are routs № 1-964. Most of buses are concentrated in Moscow outskirts, where there is no subway, as well as on the directions between different subway lines. In thees cases buses transport people from living areas to metro stations. In Moscow city center there are no many bus routs.
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троллейбус Trolleybus
Trolleybus chain Moscow is one of the oldest and largest in the world. It appeared in 1933. It is under the charge of GUP Mosgortans. Trolleybus chain in Moscow – radial-circular. On several directions this is the main transportation. There are more than 90 trolleybus routs.
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трамвай Tram
Trams appeared in 1899. Today in Moscow there are two absolutely isolated tram systems: the main – consists of Yauzskaya and Apakovskaya systems and Stroginskaya system on South-West. Tram system as a whole has 46 routs, but this number shortens in the last years. Trams transport about 5% passengers today.
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такси Taxi
There are a lot of Taxi companies in Moscow. You can call it by phone – that is more expensive, but save, or to catch on the street. Official taxi as usual represented by new good cars. Travel cost is fast equal in all the companies. A car is at your service in 15-20 minutes.
Мосвка 10 Subway
Subway – one of the most popular transportation in Moscow. Moscow subway exists from 1935, it connects center with industrial and living areas. It is radial-circular. There are 12 lines in Moscow subway, with common length 305,5 km. 185 stations. 12th line – Butovskaya, built in 2003. It consists of 5 stations. In each wagon and on each station there is a detailed metro map.
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аэроэкспресс Electro-trains
Moscow railway system has 10 main directions and 9 railway stations. The main kinds of railway transport – suburb trains, and aero-expresses.  Moscow suburbs inhabitants use electro-trains as usual public transport. Aero-expresses – high-speed electro-trains, connecting Moscow railway stations with airports. Nowadays the follow directions exist:
Paveletskii railway station – airport Domodedovo
Kievskii railway station – airport Vnukovo
Belorusskii railway station – airport Sheremetevo
Savelovskii railway station – Lobnya town
Paveletskii railway station – Ozherelie town
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водный транспорт Water transport
Water artery of the capital represented by the Moscow river and the Moscow Canal to the river Volga. Navigation in Moscow lasts from mid April to mid October. Urban public water transport within Moscow presents river ferries and small vessels. For passenger water transport is used Northern river station. Water passenger transport in Moscow is mainly involved in the company "Capital navigable company". Regular routes "water bus" very little, the court shall mainly cruise and tour activities. So, route, regularly running the entire navigation season, the line of the Kiev railway station - Novospassky bridge. Boats ply daily every 15 minutes. Ticket price - 450 rubles adult and 200 rubles for children. There is also a day off route 3 to 4 flights a day): Park Kultury - Printers. Regular passenger traffic is carried on routes Kolomenskoye - Brateevo, Maryino, Troitse-Lykovo - Strogino and around the Silver pine forest, the routes in the recreation zone "Bay of happiness" on the Klyazma water reservoir and in the "Pine forest" on the Pestovo reservoir, the route through the Khimki reservoir without landing on the beach. Northern river station (Khimki river station), Moscow river shipping company is a river port in Moscow, located on the banks of the Khimki reservoir (Leningradskoe shosse, 51). The port was built together with the canal. Moscow even before completing the Khimki reservoir in 1937, and is a monument of architecture. Its building with a tall spire and a wide staircase is made in the shape of a ship. The spire crowned with the star, which in 1935-1937 were at the Spasskaya tower of the Moscow Kremlin. From the North river station sent cruise ships in St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Rostov-on-don.
схема метро Moscow public transport map
- Moscow metro map
- Moscow metro scheme on the city map
- Moscow tram system
- Suburb and land cruisers map
- Moscow suburb electro-trains map
- River trams movements map
- Moscow river vehicle lines map
- Moscow surface transportation lines map
Сапсан Sapsan
According to Sapsan timetable there are 7 seven trips from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back. Trains between two cities run every day and the whole year, and departure at the same time towards each other. Morning and evening trips run off the reel, the other – with short stops on the largest stations.  Sapsans also twice a day run between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod.
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